Who can join the programme as a Mentee?

  • Residence permit / right to work in Finland
  • Located in the Nyland/Uusimaa region
  • Industry specific education or previous experience
  • Unemployed, or employed in a field not linked to education
  • Priority given to groups in a more vulnerable position like women and immigrants integrating in Swedish
  • Good English skills, and some Finnish or Swedish 
  • The project team reserves the right to select the most suitable candidate

What do I get from the mentoring program?

By participating you get an opportunity for career development in your field through your own mentorship group. Together you will meet at least 4-5 times during 6 months. Your mentorship group strives to provide industry specific guidance, help with professional networking and updating your skill set. Additionally, you can practice languages together, discuss culture and society, and share interests and experiences.

What do I need to participate?

You need to be motivated and interested in meeting new people. It is important you can commit to meeting your mentoring group for the duration of 6 months. You also need to have a residence permit or right to work in Finland.

How are the mentorship groups supported by Luckan Integration?

Before the mentorship group meets you will meet for an interview with a project coordinator or a Luckan counselor. The JobBuddies coordinators then do the selection based on the applicants backgrounds. If selected as a suitable candidate an introduction to your role as a mentee will follow. The coordinator or a Luckan counselor will also help with improving CVs  and other matters related to job search or search for available  further education.

Sign up here!

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Your age
Your gender
Current employment status
Where did you hear about JobBuddies?

I agree to follow Luckan’s Safer Space Guidelines when I meet with my group.

I agree to follow Luckan's Safer Space Guidelines when I meet with my group.


During the mentoring programme a group of 2-3 mentors, professionals within a certain field or branch of industry, share their knowledge and help guide a group of 10-12 mentees from the same field. Together as JobBuddies they explore where to look for jobs, create networks and when needed, consider and explore possibilities to improve professionally.

As a future mentee you need to be motivated and be interested in meeting new people. You also need to have a residence permit/right to work in Finland. You will have to set goals for what you want to achieve during the programme, receive constructive feedback and accept suggestions and advice.

As a future mentor together with the other mentor(s) of your group you need to be ready to support someone who needs assistance in finding a job and integrating into the Finnish job market, particularly in your own field. At times you can act as an intermediary or give referrals or practice job interview skills. As a mentor you act as a facilitator for people willing to enter your field of employment but lacking knowledge and connections.

Both mentors and mentees need to be able to commit for 6 months and have at least 4-5 group meetings during this period.

As a mentee you will receive advice and support from a group of people who know and have experience in your field of expertise. Gain valuable insight on where to look for a job in your field, improve your CV and interview skills so they are suitable for the Finnish job market, broaden your networks and chart a plan for your next career steps.

As a mentor you will be a bridge between the mentee and the Finnish job market. You may give advice regarding job search, or possible further education as your mentees set clear goals and develop strategies for job search and expanding networks. You become an important link in the two way integration in the workplaces you get to know and recognize the needs of immigrant workers. At best you find your future colleagues from the group. 

No, you cannot choose your mentor/mentees. The JobBuddies project team will create the mentoring groups, matching the right mentees to the group of mentors. The idea is that both the mentees and the mentors are best suited to work together towards common goals.

No, not all applicants are guaranteed a mentor. However, several group mentorships will be organized during the course of the project, so maybe if you are not selected the first time, you might still apply for the subsequent one in your field.

Application periods for a given field will open every 6 months. JobBuddies pilot project will be testing group mentorships for the fields of IT, Health care, Hospitality, Industry and Marketing. The project coordinators will then select the most suitable candidates keeping in mind the strength and expertise of the mentors. There will be 2-3 mentors for each group of 10-12 mentees. The mentees and the mentors share a common branch of industry either by education or previous job experience. After the matching the mentors and the mentees work together for a period of 6 months with the goal of finding suitable employment in the field for the mentee. In certain cases they can also help finding suitable further education in order to update/upgrade the mentee’s skillset.

Participation in the JobBuddies project is free of charge. 

The group mentorship meetings can be both in person or virtually. The first introductory meeting between the mentors and the mentees will be organized in person at Luckan so that the participants get to know each other. Then together they decide when and how to meet as a group. If in person meetings are preferred by the mentors and the mentees, the project coordinators will help book a suitable space at Luckan’s premises.

If you have any questions about the JobBuddies program, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Contact info

Veronica Hertzberg
Project lead

Julia Qesteri
Project advisor

Project advisor

English (UK)
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