Online Courses for Free

 Jussi Hellsten / Helsinki Marketing

Finland Swedish Online A1 +

Assumes that you know English. This is a site where you can study Swedish on your own, from the beginner’s level.

Helmet OverDrive

Assumes that you know Russian. This course requires a Helmet library card. You can borrow an audiobook for 7 or 14 days, or reserve if it is already on loan.

Koti Suomessa A1 +

Assumes that you know Swedish. You can both listen and read. The material is a story, and deals with different situations in daily life. There are also tests available.

Assumes that you know Finnish. Requires a Facebook account. A free app where you can find conversation buddies in other languages. Lango suggests suitable companions based on the user’s choices. The companions can send messages to each other, and agree to meet, for example in the library, or choose to talk to one another online.

Learn Swedish

Assumes that you know English. The audio book is available at the library, but has a 6 month waiting list.


Assumes that you know Finnish. Log in with Helmet user account. First you can read and listen to grammar lessons, then do grammatical exercises. The courses are interactive, which means that the student receives feedback on how they are doing.


Assumes that you know Swedish. This is web-based study materials that can be used by both students and teachers. The material is particularly well-suited to complement Natur och Kultur’s teaching materials Mål 1 and Mål 2. Part 1 is associated with Mål 1 and Part 2 with Mål 2. You can do the exercises without having the books.

Yle Kielikoulu  Yle Språkskolan

This is a service enabling you to study Finnish or Swedish by watching Yle’s media content in an app or a browser.

Digitala spåret

Assumes that you know Swedish or English. Levels from easy to advanced; A1, A2, B1, B2 and C. The material is from 2008 so it is a bit old-fashioned, but correct. It might be difficult to navigate for someone who doesn’t know Swedish well.
The material helps you find web pages where you can study and practice Swedish at different levels. There are links to lexicons, news pages, magazines, and radio programmes according to themes; health, culture, family, economy etc.

Hej Svenska!

Assumes that you know Swedish. Interactive material. You listen and learn words based on themes.

Learning Swedish A1 +

Assumes that you know Swedish. This is a free beginner’s course in Swedish for self-study online, developed by the Swedish Institute in Sweden in collaboration with Swedish and foreign universities. It is a pilot project during 2022.


Assumes that you know English. This website has a huge selection of languages. You can listen and read. Tests are available.

SFA Sweden

Assumes that you know Swedish. Swedish For All is a Swedish for immigrants (SFI) course. You will find selected learning resources developed by SFI teachers divided into steps. You will find around 400 movie clips created by SFI teachers along with links to web exercises that match the different steps. This is not a complete SFI course but you can use it to prepare for a SFI course and learn more Swedish.

SFI Sweden

Assumes that you know Swedish. Swedish for immigrants teacher Anna’s link collection for immigrants in Sweden.


Assumes that you know Swedish. You must buy a book to get the most out of the site. ISBN 978-91-523-1145-5

Swedish med Papegojan

Assumes that you know Swedish or English. It is a website for those who want to study basic grammar rules in Swedish. The materials on this website can also be used as supplementary grammar materials on a language course. You can revise a specific grammar topic or go through all of the topics.

50 languages

You have 50 languages to choose to start to learn.

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