Integrating in Swedish

On these pages you will find articles about integration in Swedish in the Capital Region.
Choose the area that interests you, and click on the articles to read more

Children Under School Age – Video

A short video with information about parenting infants and toddlers.

Children’s Education – Video

A short video offering information about education for children.

Free Time Activities – Video

A short video with information about associations and leisure activities.

General Information about Finland

Here you will find a "Welcome to Finland" package, a "Newcomers' guide" and a checklist of things to consider before moving to Finland.

Health Services – Video

A short video with information about health and social services.

Pre-Primary Education

Pre-primary education is a one-year program, starting the year the child turns 6, and is free and mandatory for all children. Application is made in January and classes begin in August of the same year.

Starter Guide

When moving to a new country, there is a lot of paperwork that needs to be taken care of. Here is a short guide.

Support for Youth

Here you can find guidance and chat services on topics including mental health, job market and education, specifically for individuals between the ages of 13 and 29.

Swedish Courses – Video

Learn about Swedish language courses with this short video.

Swedish Courses in the Capital Region

These courses are offered by Adult Education Centers and other educational institutions in the Capital Region. Most of these courses are subject to a fee.

Voices of Successful Swedish Integration

Listening to the experiences of people that for different reasons chosen to integrate in Swedish in Finland might help you with your thoughts.

Work-related – Video

A short video about the biggest employers in the Capital Region.

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