Come in2 Project – Closing conference

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Today was Come in2 Project – Closing conference at G18 in Helsinki. It was a full day event packed with interesting lectures and insights. 45 people attend IRL and more followed the online stream.

The goal of the project is that through our activities, we will be able to contribute to creating a society in which children and young people who come to Finland are not only integrated but are also included. We want to help ensure that children and young people do not fall between the cracks, that their voices are heard and that their best interests are considered in all sectors and by all bodies. 

To achieve this goal, we have worked with providing competence development, and present research and good methods to all those active in the integration process. 

Project partners: 

  • The Center for Lifelong Learning at Åbo Akademi University and Novia University of Applied Sciences
  • The Swedish School of Social Science at the University of Helsinki (Until 31.7.2021)
  • Folkhälsan Education AB 
  • Föreningen  Luckan r.f.  (The Finland-Swedish Information and Cultural Centre) 


The project is funded with the support of AMIF – the Asylum, migration and integration fund maintained by the EU and in Finland managed by the Ministry of the Interior. The Project is also supported by the Swedish Cultural Foundation, Aktia foundation in Vaasa and the project partners.  

Other partners:

  • Nordic Welfare Centre
  • Nuorisojärjestö Mahdin Nuoret
  • The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare
  • CEREN The Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism
  • The municipality of Korsholm
  • Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi
  • City of Helsinki
  • City of Turku
  • ELY- Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment

You can read more about the project here.

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