Cooperation between Home and School

 Dylan Gillis / Unsplash

The school system works best when the home, parents or guardians, cooperate with the school. Parents are encouraged to be active, discuss things that their children learn with them, and be involved in their children’s education.

About cooperation between home and school in Helsingfors
About cooperation between home and school in Esbo.
Very shortly in Swedish about cooperation between home and school in Vanda.


Wilma is an app and a website with which parents and teachers communicate on a day-to-day basis, with messages from the teachers detailing the child’s attendance, any specific information, and other issues. Parents can also ask questions concerning the child’s education and well-being. The school sends out the login information and gives access to Wilma after one’s child has started school.

Parent-Teacher Meetings

Regular parent-teacher meetings are organised by the school. Meetings may include individual meetings as well as group meetings where parents have the opportunity to meet other parents.

Hem och Skola

The Hem och Skola association, meaning ‘Home and School’, is an umbrella organisation that works nationwide in the Swedish-language regions to promote cooperation between homes and schools. Each school has its own local association that organises events and activities for the children and their families. The volunteers are selected as class parents from each class every two years. Join if you have the opportunity, it is an excellent way of getting to know other parents and guardians.
You can find your child’s Hem och Skola association here; Helsingfors and Esbo, Grankulla and Vanda

School Board

A school board consists of teachers, guardians and, in the upper classes, student representatives. Ask your child’s headmaster for more information on how to be elected to the board. The school board approves the annual activity plan, supports the school, and maintains cooperation between the school and the parents.

Daycare Parents’ Association

The daycare parents’ associations work on a voluntary basis, and may organise events and activities for the families. The daycare center provides you with information on the parents’ association, and most associations welcome new active members.

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