The research report ’Kvinder i job: Mentoring for Migranter i de nordiske lande’ (Women at work: Mentoring for Migrants in the Nordic Countries) has now been published on KVINFO’s website!
Read the full report here! (in Danish)
The findings are based on original research into three mentoring programmes: FIKA (FI), KVINFO‘s mentor network (DE), and Sammen om en jobb (SAJO) (NO). The comparative analysis digs into models of mentoring-to-work for women migrants with the goal of strengthening their position on the labour market, in education and other supporting areas of life.
The main conclusion of the report is that immigrant mentoring has several benefits. Above all, these stem from the fact that mentoring can (and, we argue, should) be a process of two-way integration, where equality, mutuality, voluntary participation and a human-based approach are important factors. The recommendations of the report include guidelines for developing mentoring programmes. It also outlines ways that governments, municipalities, job centres, education institutions and companies can collaborate with the third sector to achieve strong results.
If you are interested in hearing more about the results of the research, Luckan and the other organisations are organising a Nordic hybrid conference on the 7th of May 2024, titled “The Potential of Civil Society in Migrant Labour Market Integration”. The first part of the day, 11-14 (Finnish time) is open to the public — anyone interested in migration, mentoring, or the role of civil society in the Nordics. A project presentation and keynote speech by Helle Hygum Espersen (chief research analyst at Danish VIVE) will be held in English.
Sign up for the conference 7.5. here! (Please note the times are listed in Danish time)
The report is written by Cheralyn Mealor (KVINFO), with the support of Christian Larsen and Stinne Bech (KVINFO), Tone Indrelid and Erlend Nyheim (Sammen om en Jobb), and Cecilia Fewster and Veronica Hertzberg (Luckan Integration). It is the result of a larger experience-sharing project, “Kvinder i Job”, between the three mentoring programmes.
The project is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and runs from 2023 to 2024.